Jim's Going Away Party - June 2004
Andrew and Wife39 views
My Back Yard25 views
The Baldwin's play volleyball38 views
Barry Storr32 views
Barry, Rose and Dean31 views
Barry and Rose30 views
Beula, Captain and Wolf34 views
Beula, Dean, Carol, Len, Wolf and Doug37 views
Bill and Jodi32 views
Bill Thompson and Jodi Ascroft33 views
Bill Thompson27 views
Bruce and Rachel32 views
Bruce and Rachel31 views
Burning all my old documents (note the nice fire pit I built)25 views
Burning all my old documents28 views
Captain and Sean Keates25 views
Carol, Lee, Nicole, Danielle and Tim Baldwin28 views
Bill, Dean, Tony, Wolf, Beula and Barry41 views
Doug Garner and Lee Baldwin30 views
Ian, Len and Beula31 views
Jim Bullen28 views
Jim and Rachel39 viewsAt 3 am, just a little bit drunk....
Jodi and Barry29 views
Jodi Ascroft37 views
Keith and Kim Baldwin playing horse shoes33 views
Leanne and Rachel37 views
Leanne, Jim and Lee41 views
Leanne, Rachel and Lee37 views
Leanne, Rose, Barry, Jodi and Michelle34 views
Leanne Weeks45 views