A Page about Me and the things that interest Me.
Politics, Poetry, Jokes, Pics, Links, etc.
Take the time to browse around!
I'm sure you'll find something to tickle yer fancy!!!

This site is under construction,
but in the meantime, please visit my Photo Gallery at:

Updated Sunday, November 27, 2005


I built this website back in 1998 when I got my first computer. It has passed through various hosting accounts and was offline for a year or two. As I now have my own web hosting company at www.123easywebhost.com as well as my other online businesses at www.cigarsforless.com , www.cigarsalesonline.com and www.thecigarhut.com, I decided to put this site back on the net and work on it a bit more.

Pictures of my trip to the Dominican Republic

This page and the whole website is in much need of updating and maybe if I can find the time, I'll get around to it someday. :)


About Me

A brief bio with a few pictures thrown in.

Family and Friends

A picture gallery of Family and Friends with a bit of info on each.


A collection of jokes, cartoons, videos and links.

Thoughts and Beliefs

Thoughts and observations on life and the World in general as well as a collection of Beliefs that make up my "Foundation of Being"

Interesting Links  

Like the title says, this is a collection of some thought provoking links.


A selection of quotes that I think define truth and my way of thinking in a warped world.




All content on this site was either created by me, obtained freely from sources on the Internet, given to, or forwarded to me. Credits have been given to contributors or creators when remembered. If any material on this site violates Copyright Laws,  it is unintentional, so please E-mail me and I will remove it.

Created  March 15, 1998

© Jim Bullen 1998,1999,2000