Enimvaadatud |

Frank Reyes and Jim Bullenvaatamisi: 98One of my favorite Bachata artists, and I had the pleasure of meeting him!

Frank Reyes and Jim Bullenvaatamisi: 78Was great to get a chance to meet Frank Reyes during a break in the concert

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Frank Reyes and Edilinvaatamisi: 62

view from the walkway looking into the landvaatamisi: 62once I build my house, this will be the view out of the livingroom

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Frank Reyes and Edilinvaatamisi: 59

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front of house with entry portchvaatamisi: 59this is a small 3 bedroom house made of poured concrete with rebar re-enforcement. It may be small, but if you could pick it up, you could roll it down a hill without breaking it.
Not yet finished, I plan on putting up a wooden 2nd floor and finishing the interior and exterior to make a nice little cottage while I build my deam home on the property.

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side of housevaatamisi: 58

spot where I'll be building my new housevaatamisi: 58this view is from the existing house looking towards a small shack at the end of the driveway on the far side of the shack

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vaatamisi: 50A babe in arms

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part of the lot as seen from beside the housevaatamisi: 50all the land inside the white line is mine

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Hi Daddy! - May 20, 2007vaatamisi: 48

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Leanne Weeksvaatamisi: 45

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Jim and Freddy Bullen watching TVvaatamisi: 44note that we both have remotes!

Poco friovaatamisi: 44

back side of house (1)vaatamisi: 44