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3 visualizado (s)13 Jun, 2013

6 visualizado (s)13 Jun, 2013

view from the walkway looking into the land62 visualizado (s)once I build my house, this will be the view out of the livingroom01 Fev, 2010

view of the valley in the middle of the lot, just over the hills from the house40 visualizado (s)everything in this picture is my property01 Fev, 2010

view from the end of the lot41 visualizado (s)you can see the the end of the fence in the middle of the pic where the lot ends and way in the background is part of Santiago01 Fev, 2010

spot where I'll be building my new house58 visualizado (s)this view is from the existing house looking towards a small shack at the end of the driveway on the far side of the shack01 Fev, 2010

another view of part of the lot44 visualizado (s)all the land inside the white line is mine and there is much more over the hills in the distance01 Fev, 2010

part of the lot as seen from beside the house50 visualizado (s)all the land inside the white line is mine01 Fev, 2010

side of house58 visualizado (s)01 Fev, 2010

front of house with entry portch59 visualizado (s)this is a small 3 bedroom house made of poured concrete with rebar re-enforcement. It may be small, but if you could pick it up, you could roll it down a hill without breaking it.
Not yet finished, I plan on putting up a wooden 2nd floor and finishing the interior and exterior to make a nice little cottage while I build my deam home on the property.01 Fev, 2010

back side of house (1)44 visualizado (s)01 Fev, 2010

back side of house (2)43 visualizado (s)01 Fev, 2010

rear corner of the house34 visualizado (s)01 Fev, 2010

same as the other video but in a different format for those who may not be able to play mpg files24 visualizado (s)01 Fev, 2010

short clip from the roof of the small 3 bedroom hous on our new property34 visualizado (s)what an incredible view, the video does not do it justice
(the video will play smoother the 2nd time)01 Fev, 2010

Our new 80 Terea (aprox 12.5 acres) lot in the Dominican Republic21 visualizado (s)01 Fev, 2010

Our lot in relation to our house in Santiago43 visualizado (s)01 Fev, 2010

Our lot in relation to the island24 visualizado (s)01 Fev, 2010

28 visualizado (s)29 Jul, 2009

23 visualizado (s)29 Jul, 2009

22 visualizado (s)29 Jul, 2009

17 visualizado (s)29 Jul, 2009

Robert takes his 1st peek at the world outside15 visualizado (s)26 Jul, 2009

Araly before surgury21 visualizado (s)26 Jul, 2009

Mommy recuperating after the big event15 visualizado (s)26 Jul, 2009

15 visualizado (s)26 Jul, 2009

11 visualizado (s)26 Jul, 2009

Freddy meets his baby brother14 visualizado (s)26 Jul, 2009

a healthy 8lb baby boy!11 visualizado (s)26 Jul, 2009

13 visualizado (s)26 Jul, 2009
1521 Fotos em 51 página(s) |
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